Saturday, March 29, 2014

Scented Playdoh Recipe Made From Conditioner and Corn Starch

You will need:

1 cup scented conditioner of choice
2 cups corn starch
1 large Ziploc freezer bag (MUST use Ziploc brand or it may leak/rip)
Food coloring (optional)

1.  Pour a cup of conditioner and  2 cups of corn starch into the Ziploc bag.  (Optional: Add a few drops of food coloring) Then close the Ziploc bag.

2.  Give the Ziploc bag a good kneading but be careful not to burst the Ziploc bag.  Stop once everything is mixed well.

3.   Take the Scented Playdoh out of the Ziploc and enjoy!


  1. That looks like such a fun and easy project. I am going to try that with my daughter.

    Michelle F.

  2. This looks like really easy! Gotta try it!

  3. sounds good! but I am guessing the dough is no safe for younger kids because they might eat it

  4. what a great idea! will def try with my toddler

  5. wow! this is so cool :-) Thank you for the tips :-) My little girl will love this :-)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Thank you for the recipe easy to recipe. I made it within minutes. I have tried using the Walmart Ziploc for other projects and it leaked. Using Ziploc does make a difference.
