Saturday, April 19, 2014

Marble Painting with Easter Eggs

You will need:  
  • 5 Plastic Easter Eggs
  • 5 different colors of washable paint
  • Construction paper
  • Disposable roasting pan
  • Scissors
  • Paper plate

1.  Cut out an egg shape out of the construction paper.

2.  Spread out 5 different colors of paint on the paper plate.  Roll the eggs onto the paint.

3.  Put the egg shape cutout into the disposable roasting pan.  Place the eggs on top of the construction paper egg.  Hold onto the roasting pan and shake it side to side.  

4.  Let it dry.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Easter Craft: Chicks with Feathers

You will need:

  • Colorful feathers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Orange construction paper
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Black construction paper
  • Eye stickers

1.  Cut out an egg shape with the yellow construction paper.  Cut out two legs and a beak with the orange construction paper.   And lastly, cut two small circles for the eyes.

2.  Spread glue to approximately half of the bottom egg.  Then add feathers.

3.  Glue the eyes and beak.

4.  Once everything dries, glue both legs.  

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Easter Craft: Footprint Chick Art For Toddler

You will need:

  • Clipboard (optional)
  • Orange marker
  • Black marker
  • Yellow paint
  • White construction paper
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors

1.  Place the white construction paper on the clipboard (or may place the paper onto ground.  I find it easier with any footprint craft to use a clipboard).  Paint the bottom of the foot with the yellow paint.    Stamp the child's footprint onto the white construction paper.  Wait until the footprint is dried before continuing to the next step.

2.  Use the black marker to draw the eye.

3.  Draw the beak and legs with the orange marker.

4.  Cut around the chick if desired.